4 Personality Tips for Embracing Your Weaknesses and Limitations
Have you ever met someone who’s been like, “Well, it’s just my personality. I’ll always be this way”?
Being a certain personality type doesn’t mean you can’t grow and it certainly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a healthy ownership over your weaknesses and limitations.
Rather than letting your weaknesses and limitations stop you from growing, you can use them as tools for getting creative with how you spend your time and energy so you can focus on what matters most to you.
In fact, learning to embrace my God-gifted personality has helped me live more intentionally with passion and purpose as God’s beloved. You can, too!
In this post, we’ll walk through what we mean by weaknesses and limitations, how to embrace them, the personality type framework we’re using, and personality type tips to help you embrace your weaknesses and limitations – without using them as excuses to not grow.
When you embrace the weaknesses and limitations of your personality, you can live intentionally with passion and purpose as God’s beloved. Use these type tips to help thrive more in your life!
Let’s dig in!
- What kinds of weaknesses and limitations are we talking about?
- What are some examples of weaknesses and limitations?
- What do we mean by embracing our weaknesses and limitations?
- What personality types are we talking about?
- Personality type tips: iNtuitive Feeling (NF): Idealist
- Personality type tips: iNtuitive Thinking (NT): Rational
- Personality type tips: Sensing Judging (SJ): Guardian
- Personality type tips: Sensing Perceiving (SP): Artisan
- Want help embracing your full potential?
- Articles related to personality tips for embracing your weaknesses and limitations
- Next steps for using these personality tips for embracing your weaknesses and limitations
What kinds of weaknesses and limitations are we talking about?
Basically, a weakness is something you’re NOT strong at and a limitation is a lack of capacity.
As Christians, we talk A LOT about our weaknesses – all the ways we fall short in walking and loving like Jesus.
I’m definitely not disputing this – we need Jesus every single day!
This post is NOT about embracing sinful tendencies and desires.
Instead, we’re embracing the reality that we’re simply unable to do #allthethings perfectly because we’re not Super Humans but we ARE loved by a super God.
That’s it!
What are some examples of weaknesses and limitations?
A few practical limitations or weaknesses you have may include:
- Not being detail-oriented
- Too big picture-oriented
- Disorganized
- Too structured
- Highly spontaneous
- Not adaptable
- Being tender-hearted
- Being tough-minded
- … you get the idea
These tendencies don’t define whether your character.
In fact, they’re kind of like shoes – neutral and a tool in your arsenal to conquer your day. (Learn more about this idea here.)
Instead of fighting your limitations, you can embrace them so you can become more intentional with your time and energy.
So what could that look like?

What do we mean by embracing our weaknesses and limitations?
Embracing our limitations and weaknesses can be as simple as this:
I struggle with X, so what can I do to be more intentional with my time and energy?
Coffee Chats and Yoga Mats: How to start owning your limitations and weaknesses
By simply naming your struggle, you’re taking a HUGE step toward becoming more intentional with your time and energy.
For instance, if you tend to be a daydreamer and forget where you put your keys EVERY SINGLE DAY, forgetfulness may be one of your weaknesses. You’re not a failure. You just need to learn to work with that weaknesses so you’re not frazzled and frustrated most days because you can’t find your dang keys!
How can YOU put this into practice with your unique personality?

What personality types are we talking about?
Coffee Chats and Yoga Mats uses the Myers Briggs Typology Indicator®(MBTI®) and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter® (KTS®) as its primary personality references.

Learn more: How you can live with passion and purpose by understanding your personality

Personality type tips: iNtuitive Feeling (NF): Idealist
If your top preferences are iNtuition and Feeling, you have a strength in seeing the potential in others and are passionate about self-growth.
- You may struggle with being hard on yourself when you’re dishonest, false, or insincere. Note when you’re feeling insincere. Ask, “What is motivating me to act this way? What needs to change?”
- You also tend to see the good everywhere, which may mean that you have a tendency to trust when you shouldn’t. You may need outside eyes and ears to catch red flags. Periodically check in with others who care about you for help with noticing if something is off.
- You tend to idealize many areas of life and can be profoundly disappointed when things or people don’t turn out like you expected. Remember: your true identity comes from God alone. You’re God’s beloved!

Personality type tips: iNtuitive Thinking (NT): Rational
If your top preferences are iNtuition and Thinking, you have a strength for strategic problem-solving and tend to be unafraid of innovative solutions.
- In your drive to find the most efficient way of accomplishing something, you may forget the human factor. Partner with someone who can help you also consider who might be affected by your choices.
- You hold yourself to a high standard of achievement and critically analyze your work. In some areas of life, this may not be a realistic standard. Note when you’re overly critical with yourself. Ask, “Was this a necessary goal? What were my wins?”
- You take pride in the ingenuity of your work and can sometimes let your work define you. Remember: your true value comes from God alone. You’re God’s beloved!

Personality type tips: Sensing Judging (SJ): Guardian
If your top preferences are Sensing and Judging, you have a strength for committing to and following through on work and for valuing the importance of community.
- You can be uncomfortable with winging it or rocking the boat. Discuss with a friend/spouse upcoming life changes and how to be better prepared.
- At times you can be too easily focused on meeting community norms. Note when you find yourself unwilling to challenge the status quo. Ask, “Who is best served by making this choice? What could be the long-term impact?”
- You tend to depend on your own strength to “get it done right.” Remember: your true strength comes from God alone. You’re God’s beloved!

Personality type tips: Sensing Perceiving (SP): Artisan
If your top preferences are Sensing and Perceiving, you have a strength for injecting fun into experiences and being present to the moment.
- You’re energized by striking out with a detailed plan and this can be a deterrent to managing the day-to-day necessities of life. Prioritize delegating and automating tasks you tend to forget or ignore to create more space for joy.
- You long to be a strong presence by making a big mark on others. Note when you’re overly focused on leaving your mark on others. Ask, “Who am I trying to impress? Is it worth it?”
- You take pride in performing exceptionally and may put too much emphasis on your performance. Remember: your true source of grace comes from God alone. You’re God’s beloved!

Want help embracing your full potential?
Grab the FREE Embrace Your Potential Playbook to learn more about your God-gifted personality and get some practical tips to start living intentionally TODAY with passion and purpose as God’s beloved so you can become the best version of yourself.

Articles related to personality tips for embracing your weaknesses and limitations
- 4 Practical Ways to Embrace Your Weaknesses and Limitations
- What Does the Bible Say About Using Your Strengths?
- 4 Personality Tips to Help You Intentionally Use Your Strengths
- Discover Your Strengths with These Tools

Next steps for using these personality tips for embracing your weaknesses and limitations
Embracing our weaknesses and limitations doesn’t have to suck. Rather than beating ourselves up for not being enough or being too much, we can embrace what we do have and be proactive about the things we struggle with. A huge benefit of learning about your personality type is that you can better pinpoint what you rock at and struggle with.
Use the tips in this article to start taking back your time and energy for what matters most to you!
And in case you forget, you can live intentionally with passion and purpose as God’s beloved.
Don’t know your type? Let’s embrace it!
Grab the Embrace Your Potential Playbook to discover your type and get tips to help you start living more intentionally.
Use your type tips!
Try using your type’s tip for the next 7 days. Let us know in the comments how it went for you!
P.S. Want some crazy simple steps to start living intentionally? Grab the Embrace Your Potential Playbook. It’ll help you zoom in on your God-gifted personality and give you practical tips to be more intentional, passionate, and purposeful as God’s beloved so you can become the best version of yourself.

I’m Cortney, a recovering over-achiever and God’s beloved who loves helping fellow Christian women like you embrace your God-given gifts so you have the confidence to live authentically.
I’m also a full-time mama to two sweet little boys, wife to my best friend, motivational speaker, and part-time Christian life coach. Chai lattes, strong coffee, podcasts, yoga, dance, and fairy tales nourish my soul and add sweetness to life.
Discovering the joy of embracing my God-given gifts and who He created me to be was a game-changer—a journey that brought freedom, unexpected delights, and relief from guilt. Finally, I felt free to be myself and ditch the pressure of being someone I wasn’t.
Incorporating those gifts into my day—from weekly planning to deciding on commitments, nurturing my marriage, and parenting—transformed everything. Now, I can’t imagine life without the perspective of fully embracing who God created me to be. I was missing so much without it!