Be Where You Are
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Be Where You are

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Be where you are.

That sounds rather, silly, doesn’t it? Of course, you must be wherever you are. You can’t avoid that, right? That’s true, but there’s more to it than that.

Sometimes we find ourselves coasting through life in anticipation of  much better days ahead. We don’t like our current job, family situation, overall health, spiritual status, emotional state, and so forth. We find ourselves thinking that something is missing from our lives that undoubtedly will reveal itself in the future, just not now. While we’re waiting for a revelation or  a major event to happen, days continue to pass. Fortunately (and unfortunately) our lives keep going, even while our hearts are on pause, just waiting.

Lately I’ve been reading The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. In the book, the demon Screwtape offers guidance to his nephew, Wormwood, who is trying to (quite literally) steal the soul of a human who has recently converted to Christianity.


In one of Screwtape’s letters, he guides Wormwood through an analysis of how to prevent humans from living as God intends them to. Quite simply, he instructs Wormwood to get his human to focus on either the past or the future, never on living in the present. Screwtape says that the Enemy (God) intends for humans to focus most on eternity and the present.

As he writes, “For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity. Of the present moment, and of it only, humans have an experience analagous to the experience which our Enemy has of reality as a whole; in it alone freedom and actuality are offered them.”

By getting humans to focus on the periods of time over which they have no control, the demons could manipulate and control humans, thus pulling them away from God.

Screwtape eloquently describes the demons’ mission as “We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbow’s end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using as mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar of the future every real gift which is offered them in the present.”


I was taken aback when I realized that I was guilty of thinking just like Screwtape wanted me to, however unintentionally. Sometimes I get so busy thinking of the future (immediate or distant) that I forget that my life is now. The frustrations and joys I may have are a direct result of actually “being there” when they occur.

If I’m too busy thinking of what’s ahead, I may miss out on realizing the source of a problem  or really enjoying moments of laughter.

So, I’m learning to “be where I am” – let myself live in the present and enjoy doing it.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has done this. How about you?

Cortney Loui, coffee on patio

Cortney is a Christian life coach and recovering over-achiever who is passionate about helping Christian women embrace who God created them to be so they can confidently step into any season of life with passion, purpose, and peace. She’s also an ENFJ, MBTI® coach, M. Ed in College Student Development, Pilates and Yoga teacher, wife, mama, and entrepreneur. In her pre-kid life, she coordinated programs for, coached, funded, and provided leadership training for more than 60+ student organizations and 100s of university students for 7+ years. (Helping people highlight their inner awesomeness and reach their goals is her jam!)

More importantly, she’s God’s beloved.

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One Comment

  1. You know I haven’t read a whole lot of C.S. Lewis, but whenever I hear people make reference to him it is very eye-opening for me. This post made me think. The future is such an unknown for me right now…I don’t even know where I’ll be three months from now and it’s a bit frightening! But really, the present is the only thing that’s ever guaranteed, isn’t it?
    Thanks for this, Cortney.
    And check out my new blog (it’s not just white space anymore!).

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