Living beloved

My Baby’s First Word: Not what a new parent ever wants to hear…

My son said his first word within a few weeks of coming home from the NICU. Out of his mouth came the words we would infamously refer to as “baby’s first words.”


My husband and I looked at each other and asked, “Did you hear what I heard? Did he just say ‘help’?”

Umm… not the best omen for new parents adjusting to newborn life with their preemie.

Let the Babbling Begin

Little Man has babbled his heart out as he’s rolled, crawled and toddled – with no additional coherent words whatsoever. At over 12 months old, the closest he got to saying articulate words was “data” and “dada” – both totally indiscriminately at anything he saw.

When he came home from the NICU, we were advised to not use screens with him or play music/talks so it wouldn’t hinder his hearing and verbal development.

As a result, his primary screen exposure has consisted of video calls with family and his mama’s work-outs. (He’s an avid Baby Strong aficionado.)

Yet, I struggled to NOT listen to music and podcasts, especially while watching Little Man pick up and toss another random plastic container for the 100th time.

It’s been so good for my mind and my heart to learn more about self-growth, God, relationships and the like while being in the sole company of a super-fun, not-quite verbal little person.

But, boy, oh boy, has it often brought on the guilt. I’ve facilitated between worrying that I’m ruining my child’s language abilities to smooshing the fear down so I could get some mental stimulation in these weird baby-taby-toddler days.

Naturally, I’ve started to wonder – did all my podcasts stunt my son’s verbal language? How could I be so selfish? C’mon, girl, get over yourself. It’s okay to be bored!

(And it is. But that’s another topic for another time.)

Verbal Explosion

Something changed, though, in the past few days. He’s mimicking words like crazy and connecting items with what is what. I’m totally blown away and excited to try new words with him.

One of his first new words? Broccoli.

His vocabulary has expanded to include:

  • Ice
  • Cheese
  • Book
  • Rock
  • Turtle
  • Sock
  • Brush
  • Belt
  • Basket
  • Snuggle (Snck – it’s a work in progress)
  • Bacon
  • Puff

Even better – it’s not totally just mimicry. He’s actually showing that he understands the connection between the word and the object. Woohoo!

Honestly, isn’t it one of the most exciting things to see and hear someone learn something new? It invariably makes feel like punching the air with excitement.

Be kind to yourself

All this to say… cut yourself some slack, mama. Your child is absorbing far more than you realize. They’re moving at their own pace in their own timeline that’s best for them.

In the grand scheme, it really doesn’t matter what baby’s first words are or the countless other first’s that happen.

Breathe. You’ve got this.

In case you’re curious, he does like to say “dada” arbitrarily as he toddles and flops around the house. No people-related words, just objects. Clearly, we have a people-oriented little person in our household… Oh well.

(And… You’re not alone. This is definitely a rinse-and-repeat cycle of remembering that your child is, more likely than not, moving as they should in their lane. I’m pretty confident this is something I’ll find myself being “blown away” again and again and again…)

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Learn what God has to say about your gifts and personality. Answer questions like, “Why am I like this?!”
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I’m Cortney, a recovering over-achiever and God’s beloved who loves helping fellow Christian women like you embrace your God-given gifts so you have the confidence to live authentically.

I’m also a full-time mama to two sweet little boys, wife to my best friend, motivational speaker, and part-time Christian life coach. Chai lattes, strong coffee, podcasts, yoga, dance, and fairy tales nourish my soul and add sweetness to life.

Discovering the joy of embracing my God-given gifts and who He created me to be was a game-changer—a journey that brought freedom, unexpected delights, and relief from guilt. Finally, I felt free to be myself and ditch the pressure of being someone I wasn’t.

Incorporating those gifts into my day—from weekly planning to deciding on commitments, nurturing my marriage, and parenting—transformed everything. Now, I can’t imagine life without the perspective of fully embracing who God created me to be. I was missing so much without it!

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