Work with me

embrace who God created you to be so you can be confident, passionate, and purposeful no matter the season you’re in.

Want to work together?

Have you ever thought, “I’m so tired of hustling all the time to achieve my goals and still falling short! What do I have to do to stop merely surviving and really start thriving?”

Beloved, it’s time for you to take the “God-Gifted Personal Goal Setting” session, unlock your God-gifted wiring (it IS a gift, I promise!), and understand why you’re stuck surviving instead of thriving each day.

You’ll learn why you’re caught up in the hustle and also why you’ve lost sight of your strengths and just how purposefully, fearfully, and wonderfully God made you… all in under an hour.

How it works:

Do a brief assessment and then hop on a 45-minute Zoom call with me. At the end you’ll know:

  1. Why you forget to leverage your unique, God-gifted personality and strengths. (It’s not what you think.)
  2. How to begin getting out of survival mode and work toward thriving on purpose.
  3. Know exactly tailored-for-you steps how to effectively achieve your goals and use what makes you awesome.

The “God-Gifted Personal Goal Setting” is $97 and I’d love to be of service to you! I only offer 3 sessions each month on a first-come, first-serve basis and I know there will be more requests than I can accommodate. Don’t wait! If you want one, let me know today, and let’s get you on my calendar.

What it’s like to work with Cortney

Here are some takeaways from the incredible human beings I’ve gotten to work with.

Do you often feel like your life is jam-packed with “good” stuff but not necessarily what lights you up? Wonder what’s missing?

Christian life coaching may be just what you’re looking for!

Throughout our time together, we’ll focus on helping you embrace who God created you to be so you can confidently step into any season with passion, purpose, and peace.

Got questions about Christian life coaching?

Ultimately, Christian life coaching is all about helping believers in Christ pursue their big goals. and priorities in a way that is in alignment with their faith in Jesus.

Christian life coaching is NOT…

  • Focused on trying to make you become someone else. God made you YOU on purpose and we’re here to celebrate that.
  • Preferring one personality type over another. There are no “good” or “bad” personalities. Each personality type is valuable in its own right.
  • Focused on using self-awareness as a weapon or shield. Instead, it’s about owning our own growth, becoming more self-aware, and more effective in our lives.
  • A substitute for therapy. Christian life coaching focuses more on enhancing personal and professional skills while therapy typically deals with more complex mental health challenges.
  • A quick fix. Personal growth and development take time, effort, and commitment. It’s a journey – like learning how to live intentionally with passion and purpose as God’s beloved!
  • A guarantee of success. While it equips you with tools and strategies to become the best version of yourself, it’s ultimately up to YOU to do the work.
  • One-size-fits-all. Just as each personality is unique, the coaching experience should be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of each client.

You’re likely ready to begin Christian life coaching with me if you are…

  • A Christian
  • Want to discover what it means to be the best version of yourself and be more confident being YOU
  • Ready to improve how you connect and communicate with others
  • Want to know more about your strengths and limitations so you can be more proactive and healthy in your personal and professional lives
  • Willing to do the work involved in personal growth
  • Interested in using what you’ve learned through coaching to help others
  • Can peacefully afford the financial and time investment required for a successful, impactful coaching experience

… then Christian life coaching with me may be exactly what you need. Essentially it’s all about embracing who God intended you to be (including your strengths and weaknesses) so you can become more self-aware, confident, and satisfied in your day-to-day life.

From a faith perspective, it’s a game-changer when you realize that God has uniquely equipped you for great purpose. You’re here to make an impact in a way that only you can. Let’s unwrap that gift and better understand it together!

You’re likely NOT ready to begin Christian life coaching with me if you are…

  • Not a Christian
  • Don’t care about becoming more self-aware
  • Not interested in improving how you connect and communicate with others
  • Not interested in leveraging your strengths and limitations
  • Unwilling to do the work involved in personal growth
  • Not interested in the ripple effect of coaching (i.e. positively influencing and helping others)
  • Can’t afford the financial cost or time cost to pursue the coaching

How frustrating!

Just email cortney(at) with your questions.

Make sure to NOT add a “u” to cortney or I won’t get your question… 😉


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